The Ripple Effect of Reciprocity

Sofia Mendoza

Mending Roots Healing Spaces

Part 1. Sofia is our guest and amiga on the podcast this week. By the time you are listening Cynthia and Sofia will probably be in Puerto Rico enjoying an ancestral retreat. This is a 3 part episode that will chronicle Cynthia and Sofia’s trip to Puerto Rico  with more depth and reflections that can be contained in one pod episode. This episode is a sweet glimpse into how this friendship between two 1st Gen Latina Therapists happened serendipitously in the pandemic and changed both of their creative mindsets. And the adventures rippled. 

Sofia Mendoza is an LCSW in California. She is a First Generation therapist from South Central LA. She is a therapist in community mental health, and in private practice. She specializes in trauma and First Generation Helping Professionals. She helps the helpers recover from trauma and burnout. Sofia is also the author of the Mending Roots Coping Guides — a collection of 29 Journals and Notebooks for children and adults.

Find Sofia at IG:mendingootshealingspaces

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Confetti All Around

by Cynthia Alonzo Perez of Rooted in Reflection

I create soft spaces for inner child and epigenetic healing through nature, nostalgia and connection.