Curiosity over Ego: A Space for Liberatory Dreamers with Nisha Mody

Nisha Mody (she/her) is a life coach for Liberatory Dreamers who want to nurture their inner world as much as they want to live in a better one. She is passionate about making spaces trauma-informed, relational, and meaningful. Nisha values growth, relationship, and liberation and incorporates it into her work as a speaker and coach. You can find Nisha on Instagram @healinghypegirl, on her website at

As I sat down with Nisha Mody for our latest episode of “Confetti All Around,” I was struck by the power of a simple shift: choosing curiosity over ego. It’s a practice that has transformed my own journey of healing and growth, and one that lies at the heart of what it means to be a liberatory dreamer.

The Power of Asking Questions

We’ve all been there – that moment when we feel defensive, our walls going up as we prepare to protect our point of view. But what if, instead of shutting down, we opened up? What if we approached challenging conversations with genuine curiosity?

This isn’t about being passive or letting others walk all over us. It’s about creating space for real understanding. When we ask questions like, “Can you tell me more about where you’re coming from?” or “What experiences have shaped your perspective?” we invite deeper connection. We create opportunities for growth, both in ourselves and in our relationships.

Liberatory Dreamers: Changemakers in Action

Nisha Mody embodies what it means to be a liberatory dreamer. As a life coach and trauma-informed librarian, she’s dedicated to creating safe, inclusive spaces where marginalized voices can be heard. Her work is all about empowering people to reclaim their stories and envision a future of collective liberation.

“We dream of liberation—a world where marginalized folks have more voice.”

But here’s the thing: We all have the potential to be liberatory dreamers. It starts with doing our own healing work and showing up with curiosity and compassion. It’s about taking concrete steps, day by day, to create change in our communities and beyond.

Honoring Our Whole Selves: The Power of Intersectionality

Our identities aren’t simple. They’re complex tapestries woven from our race, gender, sexuality, class background, and so much more. Recognizing and celebrating these multifaceted identities is key to creating genuine inclusivity and belonging.

This is what intersectionality is all about. It’s understanding that a queer Black woman will face different challenges and triumphs than a white cisgender man. By honoring these differences, we tap into a wellspring of strength, resilience, and wisdom.

“Our roots are messy, but they are why we keep growing.”

So how do we put this into practice? It starts with self-reflection. Take time to explore the many facets of your own identity. Practice deep listening and empathy as you seek to understand others’ experiences. Look for ways to amplify marginalized voices and challenge systems of oppression. Remember: Your identity isn’t a limitation – it’s a source of power.

Creating Trauma-Informed Spaces

Trauma isn’t just an individual experience. It’s woven into the fabric of our relationships and communities. That’s why creating trauma-informed spaces is essential for collective healing.

A trauma-informed space prioritizes safety, both physical and emotional. It establishes clear boundaries, cultivates a culture of consent, and ensures everyone has agency over their own healing process. It’s mindful of potential triggers and provides resources for self-care and support.

But it goes beyond safety. Trauma-informed spaces are rooted in compassion and connection. They’re places where vulnerability is met with empathy, where people feel free to share their stories without judgment. In these spaces, we recognize that healing isn’t linear – it’s a complex, ongoing process. And we commit to showing up for each other every step of the way.

Ancestral Wisdom Meets Inner Child Healing

At Rooted in Reflection, we believe true healing weaves together threads of our past, present, and future. It’s about reclaiming our narratives, honoring our ancestors, and nurturing our inner child.

“Safety is the absence of threat and the presence of connection.”

Nisha spoke powerfully about the importance of ancestral knowledge – the wisdom passed down through generations in stories, traditions, and cultural practices. This isn’t just history; it’s a living part of who we are. When we tap into it, we access a wellspring of resilience and strength.

That’s why ancestral healing is such a core part of our work. In our “Inner Child Healing IS Intergenerational Healing” course, we guide participants to reconnect with their lineage, uncover the patterns that have shaped their lives, and reimagine their relationship to their heritage.

But ancestral healing is just one piece. As Nisha said,

“Reclaim your narrative by weaving together your past and future.”

This is where inner child work comes in. By nurturing and re-parenting our younger selves, we create space for our true selves to emerge – full of joy, creativity, and wonder.

Empowering Through Healing: Practical Steps

Ready to start your own healing journey? Here are some key steps:

  1. Practice self-compassion. Your journey is unique. There’s no “right” way to heal.
  2. Create safe spaces for exploration. Journal, make art, move your body – find ways to express yourself without judgment.
  3. Connect with your ancestors. Learn their stories. Honor their struggles and triumphs.
  4. Nurture your inner child. Give yourself permission to play, create, and dream.
  5. Integrate your learning. Bring ancestral wisdom and inner child joy into your daily life through ritual, creativity, or a shift in perspective.

Remember, healing isn’t a destination. It’s a lifelong journey. By embracing both your roots and your future possibilities, you open yourself to profound transformation.

Your Invitation to Grow

If you’re feeling called to begin or deepen your healing journey, know that you’re not alone. At Rooted in Reflection, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Explore our blog and podcast for stories, insights, and practices. Check out our courses like “Inner Child Healing IS Intergenerational Healing” and “My Marianismo: Unburdening Myself from Root to Bloom” for deep dives into transformative work. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops, retreats, and community events where you can connect with others on this path.

Your growth journey begins with understanding the roles you play – past, present, and future. By honoring your roots, nurturing your inner child, and daring to dream of a liberated future, you set the stage for profound healing.

Your ancestors are rooting for you. Your inner child is ready to play. And we’re here, cheering you on, every step of the way.

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Inner Child Altars and Rituals - Transform any corner into a sanctuary for your inner child.

Confetti All Around

by Cynthia Alonzo Perez of Rooted in Reflection

I create soft spaces for inner child and epigenetic healing through nature, nostalgia and connection.