The Magic of Marianismo

Solo Episode: Cynthia Perez

Welcome back to Season 3 of Confetti All Around Podcast!!
We are back with a new season and ready to get into more cuentos and curaciones. We have guests lined up who share their stories with joy and realness as we witness eachother as we expand.

This episode reminds us of our inherent magic as we are in our Ser. Moving out of performing for others out of a susto response and leaning into being in our own magic for ourselves, grounded in our Ser.

Welcome back to Confetti All Around! We welcome your reviews, shares and if you’re looking to sponsor supportive mental health cuentos, we are available for aligned sponsorship or speaking engagements.  Find more at

Enjoy the podcast! We are happy to be back.

Free Guide and Workook

Inner Child Altars and Rituals - Transform any corner into a sanctuary for your inner child.

Confetti All Around

by Cynthia Alonzo Perez of Rooted in Reflection

I create soft spaces for inner child and epigenetic healing through nature, nostalgia and connection.

New Book Just Released!

My Marianismo: Nurturing Myself from the Roots to the Bloom

Map how colonization shaped your inheritance and choose what to carry forward.

For daughters breaking cycles.